



erjian2022-09-16 22:35:53长寿论坛56来源:巴马长寿网

101 Tips for Getting Organized


  Posted in Productivity


  Many of these tips come from Smead, with a smattering of mine thrown in for good measure.


  Get Started


  Generally, the most difficult step in getting organized is getting started.


  1.Analyze your situation or hire a professional organizer


  2. Research storage options


  3. Choose organizing products you like


  4. Consider daily activities


  5. Know why you want to get organized


  6. Set long-term and short-term goals


  7. Develop a system for paper flow


  8. Keep your organizing simple


  9. Learn how to throw things away


  10. Plan ahead


  Enhance Your Organization Skills


  You need a consistent approach to organizing.


  11. Spend a few minutes each day organizing


  12. Write down “how to” instructions


  13. Create a comfortable environment to work in


  14. Don’t throw too much away


  15. Organize gradually


  16. Stay ahead of yourself


  17. Admit to the mistakes you have made, learn from them


  18. Reduce clutter


  19. Stop and think


  20. Remember, when organized, you work faster and more efficiently


  Use Filing to Your Advantage


  Whether electronic files, paper documents or other objects, you need to know where to find them.


  21. Alphabetize items


  22. Number things


  23. Date materials


  24. Use different colors


  25. Create a place for everything


  26. Put everything in its place


  27. Sort items of importance


  28. Use color folders to keep track of papers


  29. Create a filing system


  30. Use hanging folders to organize folders off your desk


  31. Use file tabs to locate hanging folders faster


  32. Keep loose notes in a notebook


  33. File away last years stuff in storage


  34. Keep only the current year in your work area


  35. Use organizing products to help


  36. Put your most important papers in the front of folders


  Make Organizing Tools Work for You


  Having the right tool for the right job will make organizing easier.


  37. Make the most of the basics


  38. Keep papers together with staples and paper clips


  39. Identify everything with labels


  40. Reduce clutter with a desk organizer


  41. Use larger paper for notes, don’t tear small pieces that can get lost


  42. Use a three-hole punch to gather loose notes in a binder


  43. Create a phone log to track important calls


  44. Use a calendar


  45. Use a personal organizer or PDA to stay on track


  46. Consider new products that may work for you


  47. Add extra life to your folders, protect labels and tabs


  48. Store files electronically


  49. Make organizing fun


  Manage Your Space


  It’s not the size of your space, it’s how you use it.


  50. Maximize space


  51. Customize your space using a system that works for you


  52. Control your paper and don’t let it control you


  53. Write things down so you don’t forget


  54. Reduce, reuse, recycle


  55. Don’t be a pack rat


  56. Break bad habits


  57. Be willing to take a fresh approach


  58. If you haven’t used it in the last 6 months, get rid of it


  59. Rearrange items to reduce clutter


  60. Create a space to call your own


  61. Donate old materials to charity


  62. Do things right the first time


  63. Use shelf filing to save floor space


  64. Limit storage to a confined area


  65. It’s okay to create a few piles, temporarily


  66. Keep everything you need in sight


  67. Keep all of your information in the same place


  68. Use containers to store documents or supplies


  69. Don’t just set it down, put it in the correct place




  You have to know what needs to be done first and when.


  70. Categorize your work


  71. Prioritize your schedule


  72. Manage your time by completing the most important task first


  73. Prioritize your folders: Immediate, Current and Background


  74. Concentrate on the big picture


  75. Keep an inventory of organizing items most often used


  76. Be concise


  77. Take advantage of “down time”


  Stay Organized


  Like any system, you have to maintain your productivity processes.


  78. Create a strategy


  79. Review and adjust previously set goals


  80. Find what works for you


  81. Don’t overwhelm yourself


  82. Take one project at a time


  83. Relax, don’t panic, organization is a process


  84. Don’t make excuses


  85. Use common sense


  86. Reward yourself for being organized


  87. Stay focused when organizing


  88. Don’t give up


  89. Enjoy the benefits of being organized


  90. Dust when necessary


  Organize Your Workplace


  Make the system work, at work.


  91. Develop an organizational system within your department or company


  92. Select one person to assign tasks


  93. Share tips on how to become a better organizer


  94. Save time with better organization


  95. Organize yourself before starting on others


  Get Things Under Control at Home


  96. Make sure everyone is responsible for their own stuff


  97. Create a centralized family message centre


  98. Don’t “store” things on every flat surface; the table is for meals.


  99. Co-ordinate errands with the parental taxi service.


  100. Regularly edit and purge possessions.


  101. Make it fun for everyone.


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